Last night, semasa aku sedang membrowsing youtube, tetiba terasa lak nak mengeksplore Jeff Beck, aku came across this video.
And for once, aku rasa aku nak balik pastu katok2 bass aku sampai patah.
Sila tonton dan amati. Sila. Please do.
One thing, mmg takleh nak cakap apa pasal Jeff Beck. Sebab dia tak depend on scales and modes, main sapu mana dia rasa best -- dan terbukti, memang best. Tapi paling sakit hati tgk bassist dia, Tal Wilkenfeld. Dalam usia yang muda (takde la muda sgt, baya2 aku gak), dia dah buat clinic bass sendiri. Dan dia sangat cute, rasa cam nak tarik2 pipi dia. Bahaha. Ceharammmmm.
Try la checkout video ni. And many others as wel, aku tau korg pandai carik.
Ish, aku nak jual bass aku gak!! Tak kira!!
Dessert bite: Best siot dapat balik Seremban. Haha. Tapi sehari je.. cis.
A collection of fictions derived from my realms of reality.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
"We were merely freshmen..."
I think it would be best, if aku mulakan post ni dengan link ni.
The Verve Pipe - The Freshmen
Kalau korg rasa korg baik hati atau lapang masa, try download lagu ni, play it as bg music, dan proceed dengan bacaan korg. (Baik betul aku ni. Siap bagi link donlod free. Baik kan? kan? kan?)
Ada apa dgn lagu ni?
Aku bangun agak lewat semalam. Ahad.. just like a normal Sunday would do. And yes, aku bangun agak "awal" dari schedule "sepatutnya" (malam semalamnya aku, akak aku Fisha, akak angkat aku Renee jugak member baru Fish, Ariff dok melantak ke karoke sampai 3 pagi. Cis). Bangun dengan tekad dan keazaman yang bulat, sebab japgi nak attend wedding kawan baik aku, Ojie (frontman Stonebay).
Tak tahu apasal, lagu The Freshmen tu mcm terngiang2 dalam kepala, dari aku bangun.
Mandi, siap, pakai cechantek. Then aku preng2 dengan kadar kelajuan yang sederhana (RXZ aku bukan laju pong) ke Tiara Damansara. And guess what? Aku nanyi lagu Freshmen tu, all the way.
Sampai Tiara, call budak2 ni (sebab diorg kat JB, utk show Radio Rosak.. yang aku tak dapat pergi tu *sob sob*), masing2 BARU gerak. Chaist hahaha. Takper, aku tunggu. So I waited for like, few hours. Then, aku ke Pelangi Damansara lepak ngn Izrul jap. Dia pulak sedang sibuk mengemas (sebab dah abis exam, then lepas ni nak move out dari umah tu, nak practical kat Alor Staq pulak).
Tetiba rasa sedih, sebab, dekat 3 tahun aku duk melepak kat umah tu. Mcm2 gak memori aku kat situ. So kalau dia belah, aku pun takkan jejak lagi la ke situ. And Izrul, by far, is my BESTEST FRIEND EVER yang pernah aku ada. Yang paham aku serba serbi. Boleh aku katakan, he's my other half. I dun think that it's gayish to say this, but dialah member paling aku sayang.
And, lagu The Freshmen sekali lagi terngiang2 kat kepala.
Aku gerak balik ke Tiara - diorg dah sampai. Jumpa la Izuan (frontman Auburn), Tajul (guitar tech Loque Butterfingers yang terhormat), Bobo and the rest. Buat2 lawak bodo, pecah perut masing2 walaupun diorg kepenatan. Memang seronok. Then, dengan muka konfidennya kitorg bertolak ke Klang. Destinasi: rumah mertua Ojie jugak parent Azura. Sampai ke Klang, masing2 meraban, sebab tadi konon mcm tau, pastu sesat. Bayangkan pergi kenduri kawin, pukul 6.30 petang. Gila tak? Periuk lauk pun dah bersih kena sental. Sibaik time tu diorg ada stok lagi lauk utk kitorg. Apa lagi, sapu la sampai kembung perut.
And bila melihatkan Ojie ngn Azura yang sgt happy (dah selesai.. biasela.. hehe), kepala aku terngiang lagi lagu tu - aku rasa masa berjalan dgn slow.
Congratz to both of them. May they live happily ever after.
And oh, finally aku dapat tgk ex-Izuan (and aku tak rasa lepas ni boleh consider ex dah) named Ruby yang datang sekali dgn dia. Haha. And menurut dia, he's getting along with her now, which is totally good and i'm damn happy for him, such bliss. Well bro, the door is widely opened for you now. :)
Again, lagu The Freshmen sekali lagi terngiang2 kat kepala.
Lepas tu balik la kan. Lepas anta Ruby, aku ngn Izuan sempat merayau ke Uptown Damansara. Riki2 DVD. and borak2 lagi ngn Izuan, yang nampaknya sedang happy dengan keadaan dia sekarang. Lepak kat umah dia jap, mintak dia ajar main intro Sumpah Semesta yang sumpah sedap, menggunakan tuning DAEABE (guitar nerdie, sila ambil nota, tuning ni sgt senang dan best). After 11.00pm, aku mintak diri sebab dia pun mcm nak tumbang dah. haha.
Dalam keheningan malam, aku preng2 dalam kadar kelajuan agak maksimum, sebab aku pun cam dah ngantuk.
Again, lagu The Freshmen sekali lagi terngiang2 kat kepala.
Ngam2 kat corner flyover kat Flora Damansara ke Penchala...
........ aku tetiba mati. Sebab tank kering. Damn, lupa isi minyak! Tula, preng2 sangat, hambik.
Dengan machonye aku menolak moto menuju ke stesen minyak Caltex yang letaknya kira 2-3 kilomter. Sibaik la ada mat rempit yang baik hati, sanggup berhenti and tolak moto aku dari belakang. Sampai ke stesen, aku discover satu bende yang agak ajaib - cashier dia mamat Jepun.
Agak2 korg, dalam byk2 pam stesen, biasa korg tgk bangla, myanmar, indon je keje kan. Pnah tgk org jepun keja kat pam stesen local? Gila takleh blah siot. Tapi dia peramah la, sgt courteous, walaupun aku ke counter hanya untuk isi minyak RM20 (full tank!) juga sebotol minyak 2T. Hmm..
Again, aku preng2 dengan lajunya (sebab yakin dgn tank yang penuh), and again, lagu The Freshmen sekali lagi terngiang2 kat kepala.
Sampai rumah, tukar baju, kemas skit bilik (ecehhh). Dan, aku landing dengan penuh bergayanya. Terasa mcm Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
And semua aktiviti hari tu mcm flashback balik, dengan lagu The Freshmen terngiang2 jadi background.
For second, aku rasa rindu sgt kat kawan2 aku. And terbayang jugak kawan2 ex-school aku. Amar, Nangko, Apai, Manja, Amok, Abun, Lonjong, Payat, Yusri, Azmir, Lutfie, dan lain2. Semua dah merata dunia. haha.
Tau2 aku tertido. Dengan lagu The Freshmen bermain di application Winamp PC aku.
Ye aku tau, post yang bosan. well at least korg tau apsal aku emphasize lagu tu. :p
dessert bite: aku sekali came across dalam mimpi aku, ada mamat (aku tak tau sapa - blurry image dalam mimpi) sound aku, "dude, take a look at yourself. you're not in a condition to be dated by anyone, to be loved by someone. sapa je nak kat ko?" -- lebih kurang mcm tu. well, bila fikir2 balik, haha. mcm betul jugak. at least aku happy ngn hidup aku. :)
The Verve Pipe - The Freshmen
Kalau korg rasa korg baik hati atau lapang masa, try download lagu ni, play it as bg music, dan proceed dengan bacaan korg. (Baik betul aku ni. Siap bagi link donlod free. Baik kan? kan? kan?)
Ada apa dgn lagu ni?
Aku bangun agak lewat semalam. Ahad.. just like a normal Sunday would do. And yes, aku bangun agak "awal" dari schedule "sepatutnya" (malam semalamnya aku, akak aku Fisha, akak angkat aku Renee jugak member baru Fish, Ariff dok melantak ke karoke sampai 3 pagi. Cis). Bangun dengan tekad dan keazaman yang bulat, sebab japgi nak attend wedding kawan baik aku, Ojie (frontman Stonebay).
Tak tahu apasal, lagu The Freshmen tu mcm terngiang2 dalam kepala, dari aku bangun.
Mandi, siap, pakai cechantek. Then aku preng2 dengan kadar kelajuan yang sederhana (RXZ aku bukan laju pong) ke Tiara Damansara. And guess what? Aku nanyi lagu Freshmen tu, all the way.
Sampai Tiara, call budak2 ni (sebab diorg kat JB, utk show Radio Rosak.. yang aku tak dapat pergi tu *sob sob*), masing2 BARU gerak. Chaist hahaha. Takper, aku tunggu. So I waited for like, few hours. Then, aku ke Pelangi Damansara lepak ngn Izrul jap. Dia pulak sedang sibuk mengemas (sebab dah abis exam, then lepas ni nak move out dari umah tu, nak practical kat Alor Staq pulak).
Tetiba rasa sedih, sebab, dekat 3 tahun aku duk melepak kat umah tu. Mcm2 gak memori aku kat situ. So kalau dia belah, aku pun takkan jejak lagi la ke situ. And Izrul, by far, is my BESTEST FRIEND EVER yang pernah aku ada. Yang paham aku serba serbi. Boleh aku katakan, he's my other half. I dun think that it's gayish to say this, but dialah member paling aku sayang.
And, lagu The Freshmen sekali lagi terngiang2 kat kepala.
Aku gerak balik ke Tiara - diorg dah sampai. Jumpa la Izuan (frontman Auburn), Tajul (guitar tech Loque Butterfingers yang terhormat), Bobo and the rest. Buat2 lawak bodo, pecah perut masing2 walaupun diorg kepenatan. Memang seronok. Then, dengan muka konfidennya kitorg bertolak ke Klang. Destinasi: rumah mertua Ojie jugak parent Azura. Sampai ke Klang, masing2 meraban, sebab tadi konon mcm tau, pastu sesat. Bayangkan pergi kenduri kawin, pukul 6.30 petang. Gila tak? Periuk lauk pun dah bersih kena sental. Sibaik time tu diorg ada stok lagi lauk utk kitorg. Apa lagi, sapu la sampai kembung perut.
And bila melihatkan Ojie ngn Azura yang sgt happy (dah selesai.. biasela.. hehe), kepala aku terngiang lagi lagu tu - aku rasa masa berjalan dgn slow.
Congratz to both of them. May they live happily ever after.
And oh, finally aku dapat tgk ex-Izuan (and aku tak rasa lepas ni boleh consider ex dah) named Ruby yang datang sekali dgn dia. Haha. And menurut dia, he's getting along with her now, which is totally good and i'm damn happy for him, such bliss. Well bro, the door is widely opened for you now. :)
Again, lagu The Freshmen sekali lagi terngiang2 kat kepala.
Lepas tu balik la kan. Lepas anta Ruby, aku ngn Izuan sempat merayau ke Uptown Damansara. Riki2 DVD. and borak2 lagi ngn Izuan, yang nampaknya sedang happy dengan keadaan dia sekarang. Lepak kat umah dia jap, mintak dia ajar main intro Sumpah Semesta yang sumpah sedap, menggunakan tuning DAEABE (guitar nerdie, sila ambil nota, tuning ni sgt senang dan best). After 11.00pm, aku mintak diri sebab dia pun mcm nak tumbang dah. haha.
Dalam keheningan malam, aku preng2 dalam kadar kelajuan agak maksimum, sebab aku pun cam dah ngantuk.
Again, lagu The Freshmen sekali lagi terngiang2 kat kepala.
Ngam2 kat corner flyover kat Flora Damansara ke Penchala...
........ aku tetiba mati. Sebab tank kering. Damn, lupa isi minyak! Tula, preng2 sangat, hambik.
Dengan machonye aku menolak moto menuju ke stesen minyak Caltex yang letaknya kira 2-3 kilomter. Sibaik la ada mat rempit yang baik hati, sanggup berhenti and tolak moto aku dari belakang. Sampai ke stesen, aku discover satu bende yang agak ajaib - cashier dia mamat Jepun.
Agak2 korg, dalam byk2 pam stesen, biasa korg tgk bangla, myanmar, indon je keje kan. Pnah tgk org jepun keja kat pam stesen local? Gila takleh blah siot. Tapi dia peramah la, sgt courteous, walaupun aku ke counter hanya untuk isi minyak RM20 (full tank!) juga sebotol minyak 2T. Hmm..
Again, aku preng2 dengan lajunya (sebab yakin dgn tank yang penuh), and again, lagu The Freshmen sekali lagi terngiang2 kat kepala.
Sampai rumah, tukar baju, kemas skit bilik (ecehhh). Dan, aku landing dengan penuh bergayanya. Terasa mcm Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
And semua aktiviti hari tu mcm flashback balik, dengan lagu The Freshmen terngiang2 jadi background.
For second, aku rasa rindu sgt kat kawan2 aku. And terbayang jugak kawan2 ex-school aku. Amar, Nangko, Apai, Manja, Amok, Abun, Lonjong, Payat, Yusri, Azmir, Lutfie, dan lain2. Semua dah merata dunia. haha.
Tau2 aku tertido. Dengan lagu The Freshmen bermain di application Winamp PC aku.
Ye aku tau, post yang bosan. well at least korg tau apsal aku emphasize lagu tu. :p
dessert bite: aku sekali came across dalam mimpi aku, ada mamat (aku tak tau sapa - blurry image dalam mimpi) sound aku, "dude, take a look at yourself. you're not in a condition to be dated by anyone, to be loved by someone. sapa je nak kat ko?" -- lebih kurang mcm tu. well, bila fikir2 balik, haha. mcm betul jugak. at least aku happy ngn hidup aku. :)
Friday, April 24, 2009
Dup Dap.
Well, this cud be the day. Woo!
I mean, the.. day. Been waiting for this day, for such a period of time.
Hah. Whatthehell.
*mcm haram kan kalau post pendek2 camni? takpe. kalau ada update, will let u know, even tho aku tak tau sapa je yang baca blog bodo aku ni*
I mean, the.. day. Been waiting for this day, for such a period of time.
Hah. Whatthehell.
*mcm haram kan kalau post pendek2 camni? takpe. kalau ada update, will let u know, even tho aku tak tau sapa je yang baca blog bodo aku ni*
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
ermüdet und vergeudet.
Penat sial mcm ni.
Serius penat.
Sick and tired of being wasted.
Penat dah nak kalah.
Penat dah nak cakap yang aku gagal.
Penat nak igt yang aku belum achieve apa².
Penat nak igt yang aku buat mende utk semua org, last, makan diri aku balik.
Serius penat.
Sick and tired of being wasted.
Penat dah nak kalah.
Penat dah nak cakap yang aku gagal.
Penat nak igt yang aku belum achieve apa².
Penat nak igt yang aku buat mende utk semua org, last, makan diri aku balik.
Red Alert, Red Alert. Red Alert!
Kalau diberi pilihan antara kerja atau kawan baik, apa pendapat korg?
Situasi: Terpaksa kerja pada weekend yang indah memandangkan minggu ni banyak pending requests. Meanwhile, kawan baik memerlukan aku untuk menjadi technician dia sempena show dia kat JB yang mmg rugii kalau tak pergi.
"That's what happens when you start doing well at work. Let me know when your whole life goes up in smoke, that means it's time for a promotion."
- Stanley Tucci as Nigel, in Devil Wears Prada
*bangga konon, ptui*
Situasi: Terpaksa kerja pada weekend yang indah memandangkan minggu ni banyak pending requests. Meanwhile, kawan baik memerlukan aku untuk menjadi technician dia sempena show dia kat JB yang mmg rugii kalau tak pergi.
"That's what happens when you start doing well at work. Let me know when your whole life goes up in smoke, that means it's time for a promotion."
- Stanley Tucci as Nigel, in Devil Wears Prada
*bangga konon, ptui*
Sunday, April 19, 2009
schläge dieses herzens für nur dich.
So I looked in your direction,
But you paid me no attention, do you?
I know you don't listen to me.
'cause you say you see straight me, don't you?
On and on from the moment I wake,
To the moment I sleep,
I'll be there by your side,
Just you try and stop me,
I'll be waiting in line,
Just to see if you care.
Did she want me to change?
But I change for good.
And I want you to know.
But you always get your way,
I wanted to say,
Don't you Shiver?
I'll always be waiting for you,
So you know how much I need ya,
But you never even see me, do you?
And this is my final chance of getting you.
On and on from the moment I wake....
Did she want me to change?...
I'll always be waiting for you.
Yeah I'll always be waiting for you.
And it's you I see, but you don't see me.
And it's you I hear, so loud and clear.
I sing it loud and clear.
And I'll always be waiting for you.
So I look in your direction,
But you pay me no attention,
And you know how much I need you,
But you never even seen me.
Bajet boleh jadi Chris Martin la neh? Haha.
But you paid me no attention, do you?
I know you don't listen to me.
'cause you say you see straight me, don't you?
On and on from the moment I wake,
To the moment I sleep,
I'll be there by your side,
Just you try and stop me,
I'll be waiting in line,
Just to see if you care.
Did she want me to change?
But I change for good.
And I want you to know.
But you always get your way,
I wanted to say,
Don't you Shiver?
I'll always be waiting for you,
So you know how much I need ya,
But you never even see me, do you?
And this is my final chance of getting you.
On and on from the moment I wake....
Did she want me to change?...
I'll always be waiting for you.
Yeah I'll always be waiting for you.
And it's you I see, but you don't see me.
And it's you I hear, so loud and clear.
I sing it loud and clear.
And I'll always be waiting for you.
So I look in your direction,
But you pay me no attention,
And you know how much I need you,
But you never even seen me.
Bajet boleh jadi Chris Martin la neh? Haha.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Oh, short notice.
Just now, my phone batt's meletup.
So I wont be available for a while.
If anthing, just buzz my on ym. Sebab aku keja tiap2 hari and most of time aku available on ym. or msn. haha.
So I wont be available for a while.
If anthing, just buzz my on ym. Sebab aku keja tiap2 hari and most of time aku available on ym. or msn. haha.
"Fairuz, are you available for this weekend?"
"Errr.." *rolling me face and eyes*
"Alright, great!" *grin*
There. Good one, dude. Another weekend in the office. Haha. Well, my normal working duration are 6 hours, then i'd count my working days for this week...
.... *counting fingers*
.. well, that'll be seven. Ahaks.
Oh btw, this afternoon i'll be somewhere in Istana Budaya, teching for Auburn again. (Well, not much teching pun, accoustic show je). But yeah, i do love acoustic showcases. *Remembering the last Butterfingers' acoustic showcase in IB, so... breathtaking*. It was like watching Sigur Ros, front row!

If you happened to read this post TODAY, sila la datang ye, kalau FREE. (Tapi aku tak paksa sebab ticket dia waaaaaayyy too mahal for such showcase. IB, maybe.)
Well.. bila la turn aku yek. :D
"Errr.." *rolling me face and eyes*
"Alright, great!" *grin*
There. Good one, dude. Another weekend in the office. Haha. Well, my normal working duration are 6 hours, then i'd count my working days for this week...
.... *counting fingers*
.. well, that'll be seven. Ahaks.
Oh btw, this afternoon i'll be somewhere in Istana Budaya, teching for Auburn again. (Well, not much teching pun, accoustic show je). But yeah, i do love acoustic showcases. *Remembering the last Butterfingers' acoustic showcase in IB, so... breathtaking*. It was like watching Sigur Ros, front row!

If you happened to read this post TODAY, sila la datang ye, kalau FREE. (Tapi aku tak paksa sebab ticket dia waaaaaayyy too mahal for such showcase. IB, maybe.)
Well.. bila la turn aku yek. :D
Thursday, April 16, 2009
well.. i suppose.
Update untuk hari ini:
-Shit! Bangun lambat!
-Tiga kali hampir eksiden sebab rushing gi keja, lambat punya pasal. Breakfast? Lupakan.
-Kepala berat sebab tak cukup tido.
-Tag keje lupa bawak.
-Security token pun lupa bawak.
-Call arini SEMUA macam haram.
-Ramai ponteng keja, so bebanan kepada yang *ahem* rajin datang keja (walaupun lambat)
-Lupa nak withdraw duit kat atm.
-Atm jauh dari opis.
-Tank motor kosong.
-Kepala masih berat.
Bad hair day, again. Pfffft.
Weekeeeenddd!! Menjelmalah dikauuu!! Shiahhhhh!!!
-Shit! Bangun lambat!
-Tiga kali hampir eksiden sebab rushing gi keja, lambat punya pasal. Breakfast? Lupakan.
-Kepala berat sebab tak cukup tido.
-Tag keje lupa bawak.
-Security token pun lupa bawak.
-Call arini SEMUA macam haram.
-Ramai ponteng keja, so bebanan kepada yang *ahem* rajin datang keja (walaupun lambat)
-Lupa nak withdraw duit kat atm.
-Atm jauh dari opis.
-Tank motor kosong.
-Kepala masih berat.
Bad hair day, again. Pfffft.
Weekeeeenddd!! Menjelmalah dikauuu!! Shiahhhhh!!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
: )
Oh, i'm thinking of participating the Acoustic Battle Of The Band in Setiawangsa this month. Syarat dia 1 cover song, 1 lagu sendiri. Hmmmm.
Apsal tah aku nak tulis mende tu as the title.
Jap... lupa lak.
Oh, yes..!
Err, aku tau, ni lagu Paramore (and i'm thinking of doing this song as a cover -- bukan aku nyanyi obviously). But, never the less.. aku nak post jugak. Haha.
I am finding out that maybe I was wrong
That I've fallen down and I can't do this alone
Stay with me, this is what I need, please?
Sing us a song and we'll sing it back to you
We could sing our own but what would it be without you?
I am nothing now and it's been so long
Since I've heard the sound, the sound of my only hope
This time I will be listening.
Sing us a song and we'll sing it back to you
We could sing our own but what would it be without you?
This heart, it beats, beats for only you
This heart, it beats, beats for only you
This heart, it beats, beats for only you
My heart is your's
This heart, it beats, beats for only you
My heart is your's
(My heart, it beats for you)
This heart, it beats, beats for only you
(It beats, beats for only you. My heart is your's)
My heart, my heart is your's
(Please don't go now, Please don't fade away)
My heart, my heart is your's
(Please don't go now, Please don't fade away)
My heart is your's
My heart is your's
(Please don't go now, Please don't fade away)
My heart is your's
My heart is...
..and how i wish i could sing that to SOMEONE as well. :)
Apsal tah aku nak tulis mende tu as the title.
Jap... lupa lak.
Oh, yes..!
Err, aku tau, ni lagu Paramore (and i'm thinking of doing this song as a cover -- bukan aku nyanyi obviously). But, never the less.. aku nak post jugak. Haha.
I am finding out that maybe I was wrong
That I've fallen down and I can't do this alone
Stay with me, this is what I need, please?
Sing us a song and we'll sing it back to you
We could sing our own but what would it be without you?
I am nothing now and it's been so long
Since I've heard the sound, the sound of my only hope
This time I will be listening.
Sing us a song and we'll sing it back to you
We could sing our own but what would it be without you?
This heart, it beats, beats for only you
This heart, it beats, beats for only you
This heart, it beats, beats for only you
My heart is your's
This heart, it beats, beats for only you
My heart is your's
(My heart, it beats for you)
This heart, it beats, beats for only you
(It beats, beats for only you. My heart is your's)
My heart, my heart is your's
(Please don't go now, Please don't fade away)
My heart, my heart is your's
(Please don't go now, Please don't fade away)
My heart is your's
My heart is your's
(Please don't go now, Please don't fade away)
My heart is your's
My heart is...
..and how i wish i could sing that to SOMEONE as well. :)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
First blink.
Strange enough,
All of a sudden i am surrounded by figures.
Walking figures.
Talking figures.
Munching figures.
Just figures.
Figures that walk, but not moving.
Figures that talk, but in silence.
Munching, yet chewing nothing.
Strange enough.
Second blink.
And how i turn my back away from those figures, hardly could i ever imagine.
How i look at those figures; using peripherals not iris.
How i grasp those arms without using my hands.
How i yell with my lips wide sealed.
Gasping, squeezing, twirling, STRUGGLING.
And so i choose to be invisible at one end.
Anonymous, finally.
Let alone drift myself inside such fuzziness.
When all i see, is you.
Standing at the other end of the line,
And suddenly disappeared.
What th--?
*tu la, mak cakap sebelum tidur basuh kaki, kan dah ngigau menda bukan-bukan*
Strange enough,
All of a sudden i am surrounded by figures.
Walking figures.
Talking figures.
Munching figures.
Just figures.
Figures that walk, but not moving.
Figures that talk, but in silence.
Munching, yet chewing nothing.
Strange enough.
Second blink.
And how i turn my back away from those figures, hardly could i ever imagine.
How i look at those figures; using peripherals not iris.
How i grasp those arms without using my hands.
How i yell with my lips wide sealed.
Gasping, squeezing, twirling, STRUGGLING.
And so i choose to be invisible at one end.
Anonymous, finally.
Let alone drift myself inside such fuzziness.
When all i see, is you.
Standing at the other end of the line,
And suddenly disappeared.
What th--?
*tu la, mak cakap sebelum tidur basuh kaki, kan dah ngigau menda bukan-bukan*
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Intelligency Dalam Comedy Movies, US or UK?
Ada la, (dalam banyak2 kali aku ke Cinneleisure tgk movie) dua kali aku ke sana sebab saja nak abiskan duit - time poket penuh la of course - just nak try random current movies. So dua kali jugak la perkiraan aku, nak tgk comedy movies (jgn tanya mengapa). There's two movies yang aku nak tekankan (dan jugak sebab aku bengang. kenapa? continue reading):
- Delta Farce
- Meet The Spartans
Dan aku dapat merasakan semakin lama tahap lawak org US dah semakin menurun. Aku merasakan bahawasanya aku kerugian RM22 ringgit approximately, sebab aku labur dekat dua movie lawak sampah tu. Serius.
Didapati bahawa:
- US Comedies sekarang kemaruk sgt nak spoof2 movies. Contoh? Date Movie, Disaster Movie, movie bla bla bla. (And aku rasa, aku masih boleh terima lagi la Scary Movie Quadrologies).
- banyak sangat lawak2 yang aku LANGSUNG tak kelakar, malahan aku boleh pandang tempat lain sebab malas nak tengok.
- Meet the Spartan contohnya, perluke nak spoof about Britney (the part yang dia cukur rambut kat pit of death tu), yang mengambil masa sampai 5 minit?
Paling terakhir, American comedy movie yang aku enjoy pun, aku rasa Be Kind Rewind. Mungkin sebab director dia Michael Gondry (Nazri punya pasal la ni). Atas sebab itu, aku rasa lagi berbaloi aku tgk UK movies. Comedies, especially, sebab aku tau, otak diorg tu lagi intelligent kalau bab2 movie mcm ni.
- Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels

- Hot Fuzz

- Shaun Of The Dead (yeah, again, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost as casts)

- The plot itself memang teratur, no matter how long the movie is, or the in-movie timeline is.
- They do know how to mixup movie elements, tak semestinya kalau comedy movies tak ada part2 action yang di shoot mcm movie tu serius.
- The dialogue lines are more selective -- sometimes it linked up between parts, so kena pay attention kaw2.
- They don't need pretty faces -- they just need intelligent and brilliant actors.
- Paling penting -- cerita dia memang KELAKAR. Guaranteed.
Even CGI Movies such as Flushed Away, is more worthily dari tengok Madagascar 2 or Ice Age.
Tak percaya? Sila download movie di atas dan lihat perbezaannya. Pfft!
- Delta Farce
- Meet The Spartans
Dan aku dapat merasakan semakin lama tahap lawak org US dah semakin menurun. Aku merasakan bahawasanya aku kerugian RM22 ringgit approximately, sebab aku labur dekat dua movie lawak sampah tu. Serius.
Didapati bahawa:
- US Comedies sekarang kemaruk sgt nak spoof2 movies. Contoh? Date Movie, Disaster Movie, movie bla bla bla. (And aku rasa, aku masih boleh terima lagi la Scary Movie Quadrologies).
- banyak sangat lawak2 yang aku LANGSUNG tak kelakar, malahan aku boleh pandang tempat lain sebab malas nak tengok.
- Meet the Spartan contohnya, perluke nak spoof about Britney (the part yang dia cukur rambut kat pit of death tu), yang mengambil masa sampai 5 minit?
Paling terakhir, American comedy movie yang aku enjoy pun, aku rasa Be Kind Rewind. Mungkin sebab director dia Michael Gondry (Nazri punya pasal la ni). Atas sebab itu, aku rasa lagi berbaloi aku tgk UK movies. Comedies, especially, sebab aku tau, otak diorg tu lagi intelligent kalau bab2 movie mcm ni.
- Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels

- Hot Fuzz

- Shaun Of The Dead (yeah, again, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost as casts)

- The plot itself memang teratur, no matter how long the movie is, or the in-movie timeline is.
- They do know how to mixup movie elements, tak semestinya kalau comedy movies tak ada part2 action yang di shoot mcm movie tu serius.
- The dialogue lines are more selective -- sometimes it linked up between parts, so kena pay attention kaw2.
- They don't need pretty faces -- they just need intelligent and brilliant actors.
- Paling penting -- cerita dia memang KELAKAR. Guaranteed.
Even CGI Movies such as Flushed Away, is more worthily dari tengok Madagascar 2 or Ice Age.
Tak percaya? Sila download movie di atas dan lihat perbezaannya. Pfft!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
haiiiiiii.. *geleng-geleng kepala*
Adalah juga seorang kawan aku ni (jantina: lelaki). Tak ada apa sangatlah nak cakap, cuma.. aku hairan akan sesuatu:
Perluke dia buzz semua orang yang rasa2nya profile mespes/fesbuk mereka menunjukkan bahawa mereka ni photographer? Dan mungkin hobi kawan aku (see, baik betul aku ni, still boleh anggap dia kawan), untuk mengomen segala karya photographer (siap mengutuk tu tak boleh belah). Dan to my non-amazement, bagi aku yang mmg bahawasenye aku mengaku aku takde kamera canggih pun, karya dia.. tak ada lah gempak sgt. kalau boleh sampai tahap suku Encik KukuBesi tu memang aku boleh salute.
Biorlah. hobi dia.
Oh ya, aku nak mengumumkan bahawasanya aku nak jual bass aku.

Ni bukanlah gambar sebenar bass aku, but I can assure you, its the same model. Cuma pickguard dia pelik sikit. American custom made, 4 strings, maple neck (body aku tak pasti, mungkin dari kayu alder). Aku sayang bass ni, sebab dia mampu untuk membuatkan anda kelihatan macho ketika beraksi dengannya, walaupun muka anda di tahap selipar jepun di skala kehensemannya (sambungan penuh emosi) seperti aku.
Berminat? Sila buzz segera.
Oh lupa.
Model dia: Peavey Patriot Series. Ambik. Haha.
Perluke dia buzz semua orang yang rasa2nya profile mespes/fesbuk mereka menunjukkan bahawa mereka ni photographer? Dan mungkin hobi kawan aku (see, baik betul aku ni, still boleh anggap dia kawan), untuk mengomen segala karya photographer (siap mengutuk tu tak boleh belah). Dan to my non-amazement, bagi aku yang mmg bahawasenye aku mengaku aku takde kamera canggih pun, karya dia.. tak ada lah gempak sgt. kalau boleh sampai tahap suku Encik KukuBesi tu memang aku boleh salute.
Biorlah. hobi dia.
Oh ya, aku nak mengumumkan bahawasanya aku nak jual bass aku.

Ni bukanlah gambar sebenar bass aku, but I can assure you, its the same model. Cuma pickguard dia pelik sikit. American custom made, 4 strings, maple neck (body aku tak pasti, mungkin dari kayu alder). Aku sayang bass ni, sebab dia mampu untuk membuatkan anda kelihatan macho ketika beraksi dengannya, walaupun muka anda di tahap selipar jepun di skala kehensemannya (sambungan penuh emosi) seperti aku.
Berminat? Sila buzz segera.
Oh lupa.
Model dia: Peavey Patriot Series. Ambik. Haha.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Dah tiga cawan milo aku teguk - 8.20 pm.
Hujan kat luar tak berhenti.. perut memang kemaruk burger skang ni! *Tengah fikir keenakan 2 bijik burger ayam Otai, dengan sebotol Coke*
Amy dah blah, D dah gerak.
Bosan siot.
Damn, susah betul nak kaya rupanya!
Well, counting, and still counting.
Oh, ya. Dah dekat.. 4 hari eh, dia dah senyap? :D
Hujan kat luar tak berhenti.. perut memang kemaruk burger skang ni! *Tengah fikir keenakan 2 bijik burger ayam Otai, dengan sebotol Coke*
Amy dah blah, D dah gerak.
Bosan siot.
Damn, susah betul nak kaya rupanya!
Well, counting, and still counting.
Oh, ya. Dah dekat.. 4 hari eh, dia dah senyap? :D
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Heads up, for the week.
It has been such a pretty busy week for me, running errands back and forth. penat gila, i must say. but, never the less.. it was fun! :)
to summarize (aku nak cepat ni, just for the heads up~!) it all, hmm.. last saturday, aku ke kuantan, teching maximus as their crew kat sure heboh tv3. follow je la kan, duduk rumah on weekends pun tak buat apa. (even tho sekarang ni dalam minda aku, solely weekends = overtime = kaya. yeaboy!). and yes, by the time aku sampai kuantan, all of a sudden aku mcm terasa.. rindu. haha. mana taknya 3 tiga tahun dalam hidup aku terbuang kat situ sial.. and of course, it does left me with such memories yang... hmm. nuff said. :) never the less, it was fun. ada juga la muka2 yang aku harap boleh nampak kat kuantan wujud depan mata. haha.
and yes, sunday went away quite fast, busy, busy day, apart from aku er.. pitam while on my way ke megamall. runner. haha. tu la ko. rehat takde, padan muka. but then i've managed to went through it.. seronok jugak aku tgk org2 kuantan ni have fun.. sampai ada yang berhujan ngn anak2 diorg sekali.. err.
and as usual, it was a hell of a monday morning. macam orang kampung aku cakap, hell break loooose bebeh (org kampung aku advance beb). did received tonnes of calls (pagi senin ni stendet la, semua benda boleh jadi masalah). had a short chat with mandeep, abt newcomers.. demit. bila la budak baru nak masuk, tak sabar nak buli suh amik calls (padahal tak sedar, yang diri sendiri pun sama jugak newbie, cam haram). yes, my job is to deal with all kinds of peoples. ada seorang customer ni la.. bernadette robinson, i think by far, she's one of the most patient customer. haha. dekat 40 minit jugak la aku on the phone dgn dia. kesian, sebab dah berminggu2 request dia tak berjalan pun. haha.
tu mat saleh, bayangkan kat malaysia ni. requisition kalau pending sehari pun dah start maki hamun. betapa sabornye mereka ni.
and yes, baru jumpa izuan (of auburn) semalam. and yes, bulan ni, diaorang ada dua show.. satu kat Istana Budaya, satu di JB. dan yeah, again aku terpanggil untuk menjadi tech sekali lagi = jalan2 secara free. haha! sweeeeet. mmg gila kerja sial aku skang ni.
and owh, lupa. on satruday night.. i did something which is truly.. unbelievable, even tho, ive been thinking of doing that for like, more than a year, totally. well, never the less, it was such an honest one, and i'm glad, i finally did that. and yes, what ever may, i'd take it all. sebab aku tau apa yang aku buat tu bukan a fake move or temporary flash thought yang sekali lalu, sebab dah lama beku kat otak. and finally aku spill it out. well, at least aku buat! whew! kudos to myself.. nuff with that.
nvm. i'm now patiently waiting for the best to come. Istana Budaya! JB! haha.. hereeeeeee i come!
bila la aku nak start projek aku sendiri pulak? babih. aku nak SG sebijik cecepat. harta pun makin terkikis ni.
and yes, that, was fast. TBC!
to summarize (aku nak cepat ni, just for the heads up~!) it all, hmm.. last saturday, aku ke kuantan, teching maximus as their crew kat sure heboh tv3. follow je la kan, duduk rumah on weekends pun tak buat apa. (even tho sekarang ni dalam minda aku, solely weekends = overtime = kaya. yeaboy!). and yes, by the time aku sampai kuantan, all of a sudden aku mcm terasa.. rindu. haha. mana taknya 3 tiga tahun dalam hidup aku terbuang kat situ sial.. and of course, it does left me with such memories yang... hmm. nuff said. :) never the less, it was fun. ada juga la muka2 yang aku harap boleh nampak kat kuantan wujud depan mata. haha.
and yes, sunday went away quite fast, busy, busy day, apart from aku er.. pitam while on my way ke megamall. runner. haha. tu la ko. rehat takde, padan muka. but then i've managed to went through it.. seronok jugak aku tgk org2 kuantan ni have fun.. sampai ada yang berhujan ngn anak2 diorg sekali.. err.
and as usual, it was a hell of a monday morning. macam orang kampung aku cakap, hell break loooose bebeh (org kampung aku advance beb). did received tonnes of calls (pagi senin ni stendet la, semua benda boleh jadi masalah). had a short chat with mandeep, abt newcomers.. demit. bila la budak baru nak masuk, tak sabar nak buli suh amik calls (padahal tak sedar, yang diri sendiri pun sama jugak newbie, cam haram). yes, my job is to deal with all kinds of peoples. ada seorang customer ni la.. bernadette robinson, i think by far, she's one of the most patient customer. haha. dekat 40 minit jugak la aku on the phone dgn dia. kesian, sebab dah berminggu2 request dia tak berjalan pun. haha.
tu mat saleh, bayangkan kat malaysia ni. requisition kalau pending sehari pun dah start maki hamun. betapa sabornye mereka ni.
and yes, baru jumpa izuan (of auburn) semalam. and yes, bulan ni, diaorang ada dua show.. satu kat Istana Budaya, satu di JB. dan yeah, again aku terpanggil untuk menjadi tech sekali lagi = jalan2 secara free. haha! sweeeeet. mmg gila kerja sial aku skang ni.
and owh, lupa. on satruday night.. i did something which is truly.. unbelievable, even tho, ive been thinking of doing that for like, more than a year, totally. well, never the less, it was such an honest one, and i'm glad, i finally did that. and yes, what ever may, i'd take it all. sebab aku tau apa yang aku buat tu bukan a fake move or temporary flash thought yang sekali lalu, sebab dah lama beku kat otak. and finally aku spill it out. well, at least aku buat! whew! kudos to myself.. nuff with that.
nvm. i'm now patiently waiting for the best to come. Istana Budaya! JB! haha.. hereeeeeee i come!
bila la aku nak start projek aku sendiri pulak? babih. aku nak SG sebijik cecepat. harta pun makin terkikis ni.
and yes, that, was fast. TBC!
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